Welcome to God's Mailbox

How would you like to be published in what might be the second best selling book of all time, "God's Mailbox". The book will be a collection of the best letters to God, a collection of the winning letters posted to this website. The rules are simple: no profane or vulger language, that's it. I myself am a Christian but this sight is not about religion, we want to hear from all beliefs, the whole world if possible ( We want keep it English for now). We want a true insight into where people are in relation to God. Whether it's praise, complaints, questions or requests, we want to hear it all. We want this to be REAL. The winners will be chosen by the visitors to this site. Entries will be given a score of 1 to 5 with 5 being highest. The 300 entries with highest score will be in the book. So pray, meditate, chant or whatever you do to get in the zone and write a letter to God. Click on the comments section and enter your letter. The contest will end October 1st unless the response is too big then we may close early.

Thank you

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Example Letter

Dear God

How are you? How are we doing? How is your son? Thank you for today and hopefully tommorrow, you are the greatest.